Thursday, October 2, 2008

Move over GTAIV, Fat Princess the Next Controversial Game

Move over GTAIV, Fat Princess the Next Controversial Game

The next big controversial game to have special interest groups up in arms is none other than PSN title Fat Princess. It seems that some feminists have taken offense to the cute little capture-the-flag-style game and are vehemently condemning it. Melissa McEwan sends a message to Sony on her the Shakesville blog, saying shes positively thrilled to see such unyielding dedication to creating a new generation of fat-hating, heteronormative [jerks]. Mighty Ponygirl of The Feminist Gamers bl

FlashMinesweeper:MP won last weekly at Nonoba!

The FlashMinesweeper:MP game did win! This game was the weekly best game of Jul 21 to Jul 27 Check out the stunning 5.7k impressions. Do a google search.

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